Mike, I just remembered a song to complement Jenna Bush Army -- Gore Girls by the Gladhands. I don't recall anyone mentioning it earlier; my apologies and embarrassment if it was. also I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone - Sleater-Kinney Joey Ramoney - Helen Love Damian thegeniusiwas@hotmail.com --------------------------- Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2006 23:46:16 -0500 From: "Mike Hodges" To: "Audities" Subject: famous people/character songs Message-ID: <000801c60f57$7867d580$0d1fa83f@your4105e587b6> I've been thinking of putting together a mix CD of songs titled after famous people/characters. Here are a few I can think of off the top of my head: Van Halen - Nerf Herder Courtney (Love) - Nerf Herder Jenna Bush Army - Nerf Herder Paul Stanley - Hellacopters Gladys Kravits - (The band name escapes me) Johnny Carson - Beach Boys Miss Emma Peel - Dishwalla Betty Ford - (Another brain cramp) Alfred Hitchcock - Mockingbirds Winona (Ryder) - Matthew Sweet (I know he denies it but...) I know that Field Trip did somebody, but I don't have my collection in front of me. What other ones am I missing? Thanks, Mike