Here's a late addition: Cats And Dogs...Groucho Marx, which mentions, Groucho, Brian Epstein, The Shadow, and Superman, not to mention Mohammed Ali and Joe Frazier. A different version exists on the Pacemaker/Permanent Press release of Gotta Have Pop bob ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Hodges" To: "Audities" Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 12:16 AM Subject: Thanks for the responses (famous people songs) > Another reason this list rules!!! > > Thanks for all the ideas. It looks like by picking up a Van Dyke Parks > disc > I could have my mix CD half-filled. Cord's (Field Trip's) Angelina Jolie > rules! > > And a big shout out to the auditeer who identified Glow as the band for > Betty Ford. I just caught a glimpse of that track as I was re-filing my > CDs. > > And another shout out to the auditeer (Michael?) who mentioned Julie > Newmar. > Holy Hourglass Figure, Batman! Purrrrrrr.... > > >