----- Original Message ----- From: "Holmes Online" > THOUGHT I'D LOVE BUT DIDN'T... ILLINOISE -- Sufjan Stevens I like this more than I've liked any of Stevens' records so far, but despite all the rave reviews I saw about how it was a huge leap beyond his extremely spotty earlier albums, I still think this record is pretty deeply flawed. Musically, it's the Polyphonic Spree crossed with the High Llamas, but not as good as either. Lyrically, his ornate song titles are the best thing he has going for him. There are parts of this record I like a lot, but overall, it's just terminally precious. > DIDN'T THINK I'D LOVE BUT DID... NOUVELLE VAGUE -- Nouvelle Vague I thought it sounded like a cute giggle, but nothing more. As it happens, though, it's a hugely entertaining giggle: the songs are completely transformed into lush electronic-tinged neo-bossa nova, a style I happen to love, and they work perfectly well on their own merits. Proof of this is that my favorite song on the entire album is one of several I'm completely unfamiliar with in its original form, Tuxedomoon's "In A Manner of Speaking." S