To provoke some year-end "best of" thoughts - how about the album that you thought you'd love but didn't...and the album you didn't think you'd love but did? I'll start. THOUGHT I'D LOVE BUT DIDN'T...The Decemberists - PICARESQUE ----- I really like "Sixteen Military Wives" and being a major Kinks fan got jazzed about hearing a band that supposedly employed the same tendencies. I dunno, maybe it was the lack of follow through after the build-up (also sinking Neil Diamond for me but I digress) but it just didn't do it for me. There's a lot going on here, and it's admirable, but no resonation - SMW is almost an anomaly. (And yes, it could be his voice...not enough to bring the gun out of the cabinet like Antony and the Johnsons, but it's that affected 80s tone that sounds flat but isn't?).When I hear things like "The Sporting Life" I think "well, that's nice" but have absolutely no inclination to want to hear it again. It's pensive...but so is the new one from The Eels, which to me is a far better record. Not that I don't like it, but it's spotty...I'm planning to revisit it again after a breather..hoping more songs kick in like "We Both Go Down Together" or "Engine Driver". And if there was a stage production built around "The Mariner's Revenge Song" I would go. DIDN'T THINK I'D LOVE BUT DID...The Darkness - ONE WAY TICKET TO HELL AND BACK ----- I enjoyed a couple of the singles on their debut and got a big kick out of the self-mocking video for "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" but figured it was all about the joke, especially after seeing the title of the new one. But damned if this isn't a custom blend of AC/DC, Sweet, Zep and Queen (some of the group harmonies and guitar sounds could fool a Freddie fan). Big step forward with tracks like "Dinner Lady Arms", "Girlfriend" and "Is It Just Me" leading the way. TONS of hooks, more diverse instrumentation, HUGE production and guaranteed air-guitar mania. It's loud, it's fun, it's rock'n'roll radio. And yes, Hawkins' vocals are not for everyone, but in most cases he stays under the dog-whistle notes and/or the harmonies make them more palatable. Forget the over-hype both good and bad and just play it really really loud. cheers b