Hi -- I'm typing this from the computer at a Hampton Inn in Brentwood, just outside of Nashville, TN. I just wanted to remind everyone to put together top 20s (or Top 18 or Top 9 or top 15 -- just a max of 20) for the year end poll I'm working on. Once I get back to Chicago, I'll begin the process of tallying and giving updates. And remember, if you don't want to post on the list, just send you picks to mrhonorama@ameritech.net. Lurkers are more than welcome. I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. Mike Bennett Chicago Pop Show Report on Yahoo Groups: http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/chicagopopshowreport/?yguid=162827291 Music reviews: http://www.fufkin.com My Space blog: http://blog.myspace.com/mrhonorama