Hey, that's totally kewl, Morley! Trippie as a hippie dippity do. Hope everyone had a fantabulous Christmas. :) ~pamalu2@aol.com >HIPPIE Christmas by Cosmo Toppers Dig Take a Christmas TTTrip Back to 1966 Let's Go Soul Surfing With Donovan That Graduate Of Contact High On the Sunset Strip I had a Dream Dylan Sat In with Byrds and HIGH holiday Tribes Danced To mind-blowing Words I'm Dancing I'm Tripping and as God As My Witness We'll Flash in the Canyon on this Hippie Christmas DIG Have you Scene Love featuring Arthur Lee are you hip to their tunes by Bryan MacLean We Can All Deck The Halls with The Doors At The Whiskey Get Donnered and Blitzsened at the Bar At The Beanery I'm Dancing I'm Tripping and As God as My Witness We'll Flash in the Canyon on this Hippie Christmas Turn on to Topanga baked brownies with Spirit Canned Heat will be cooking the blues can you hear it? The Mamas and Papas transcending dreaming As The Mothers and Zappa exchange deeper meanings I'm Dancing I'm Tripping and with God as My Witness We will Rush In the Canyon on this Hippie Christmas Bridge On the First Day of Christmas My True Love gave to me This Psychedelic Secret to Conjure World Peace On The Second night Of Hanukah this wisdom came to me Here's Kwanzaa and Solstice and there's Ramadan So Let's each Light A Candle And sing the same song It Goes It's a Beautiful Day Flying Blue Jay Way There's Pamela Des Barres Wow She's Hitchhiking My Way and just when you're thinking that THIS IS THE END...end end end is just the beginning I'm digging up Good Vibrations (pure Fast Vibrations I'm Flashing I'm Tripping and as God as My Witness we'll Rush In The Canyon On This Hippie Christmas Maybe We'll Get Naked at the Griffith Park Love-in TurnlTurn This Eve of Destruction Into the Dawn of Correction A HIPPIE Christmas To All And To All Outasight Repeat Chorus Until Harmony is Achieved Cheers! They've been airing this on Sirius Channel 25 and Rodney's been airing it on Sunday Nights -Monday as a matter of fact This SundayMonday He will be doing his 3hr Christmas special with The Wondermints , Stew and the Cosmo track we intend these tunes to uplift you Everytime they're played you can hear the demo by going to http://www.myspace.com/cosmotopper Mb Listening to enjoying the Apollo Sunshine