> the death of these stores does not bode well > for the music biz. .... >Your comment reminds me of a more general thing I experienced a few >months ago. Best Buy opened a new store near my work. So, I went to >the "Grand Opening". Big banners everywhere, very hyped. I walked in >and you could feel the excitement in the air. I asked someone who >worked there what specials did they have. He handed me their brochure >and it was next to nothing. >>. Not to mention the terrible selection. I was at a Best Buy in my home town of Pittsburgh last night, shopping for a new TV set. After the TV perusal, I nosed around the record selection, thinking I'd pick up something by Ivy as an xmas gift for my brother. I saw a number of Ivy CDs at Virgin in downtown Chicago last year, but nothing by Ivy here at Best Buy. In fact, not much of anything by anyone - 1 or 2 selections by the big draws, and maybe 1 by some middle tier acts, that's about it. If I'm left to the Best Buys and their ilk, the internet will be all that's left for most of my purchases.