--- Mark Eichelberger wrote: > However, both my sister and brother were exposed to the same > factors I was, and they do not share my interest or passion in > music. I've seen their CD collection. Trust me...it is > quite lame. I know what you mean. Both my Parents were musicians, they met while playing the clubs in NYC. My dad was a recording engineer for Kapp Records for many years. There was all sorts of music around my house growing up. And yet, I tease my brother all the time. He acts like a new song hasn't been written since the year he graduated highschool. Music is just not his thing, and yet he was exposed to the same things I was. When my dad would have friends over to play at the house, I was sitting on the floor just amazed at what was going on, while my brother was nowhere to be found. > To put it bluntly, we are freaks. No more of a freak than the person who loves Movies, or TV, or Sports, or whatever. We all have our thing. Nothing freaky about it. The freaky part comes into the picture when......... michael vg __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com