----- Original Message ----- From: "AssociationWorks" > Based on a few recommendations I delved into this record to see > what the fuss was all about...but couldn't get past what I heard as a > slightly off-key, faux-British vocal coming through an AM radio ...laid > over mediocre folk pop. Am I missing something? I think to some extent I've learned to navigate fuss. I read a lot about this record, enough to be curious, but nothing made me think it would be something I might like especially well. For example, I didn't much go for the Arcade Fire CD or Neural Milk Hotel, two reference points that keep coming up... I mean, I heard them, I could understand that they were good, a "saw" the appeal-- but it was wasted on me. Whereas when the Strokes record came out, I thought I would like it, because I like Television. It sounds like Television to me, and I like it. I'm a big fan of the RIYL concept. Conversely, I've been moved to buy records based on bad reviews; I remember Cheap Trick's Next Position Please being panned because Rundgren produced it with a heavy hand, and so it sounded more like him then them. Being a fan of his, I promptly went out and bought it.