Hello everyone. It's that time of year again. Time for the Audities top 20 poll. This year, I've been extremely busy and haven't had time to really hype the poll as before. But, it's always a treat to see people's picks. Here are the basic rules: 1. Rank your favorites for the year from 1 to 20. If you have fewer than 20, that's fine. 2. This is for 2005 releases. Of course, what constitutes a 2005 release is difficult to ascertain, as things get released on the web in one year and come out the next, or on a small indie to a large indie or in different countries. Sometimes, the album comes out so late in 2004, it seems fairer to count it as a 2005 release. Basically, use your common sense. If some release gets mentioned that's obviously a 2004 release, I'll note it on the Audities list. One more thing -- if an album made a prior Audities top 20, it's ineligible, as that effectively fixes its release date. 3. What's not eligibile? Various artists records. EPs. Compilations -- not just hits comps. This includes albums that are comprised of the best bits of two (or more) albums. Again, use your common sense. 4. Finally, to vote in the poll you can: 1) post your list here on Audities; 2) send your list to me at mrhonorama@ameritech.net; or, 3) do both. The polls are open from 12:01 p.m. CST Dec. 16, 2005 to Jan. 16, 2005, 11:59 p.m. CST. I'm doing these rules from memory and may be forgetting something, but these are the basics. To look at old polls, Lee Elliott has done a nifty job chronicling the history of the Audities Top 20 poll. The URL is: http://anotherplanet.ca/ So send in those votes. Chicago Pop Show Report on Yahoo Groups: http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/chicagopopshowreport/?yguid=162827291 Music reviews: http://www.fufkin.com My Space blog: http://blog.myspace.com/mrhonorama