And who is it that decides on this so-called "quality criteria"? Just curious. >From: "AssociationWorks" >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: The Decemberists? >Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 14:44:25 -0800 > >Being around college radio a good part of my waking hours during the week >this has been a growing irk of mine as well. Lowering the bar on singing, >production >values, and playing ability in support of being an "anti rock star" or >whatever it >seems to be a growing trend in indie music. I guess in reality the "bar" is >set by people >buying the stuff....but from my perspective (as a musician) there has to be >some >quality control, otherwise the definition of "music" will become terminally >diluted. > > > ------------------------------ > > > > Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 10:08:01 -0600 (GMT-06:00) > > From: Miles Goosens > > To: > > Subject: Re: The Decemberists? > > Message-ID: ><> > > > > This has been increasingly problematic for me too. Not that I require >technically good singing or anything, and the devaluation of the lead >singer >is probably at least in part a logical, natural anti-"rock star!" reaction, >which philosophically I can understand and even support to an extent. But >at the end of the day, turns out that most of the time I want to hear an >interesting, charismatic voice. Is that so wrong? > > > > I blame J. Mascis. > > > >