----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Coxe" > > And speaking of bad comedy - will some please cancel Saturday Night > Live. > Please! Why? The current cast is the strongest one they've had since I was a teenager (the Myers/Carvey/Hartman era, my pick for the best and most consistent period), has more strong female members than it's ever had before, and the show invariably has at least a couple of utterly hilarious sketches per episode. (Last week's "Lazy Sunday" video is already being posted around half of the Internet, as is Smigel's Phil Spector parody starring Darlene Love, "Christmastime for the Jews.") I know it's always fashionable to hate on SNL, but I've seen wretched seasons of this show, and there hasn't been one for a while. Speaking of DVD releases, I would love to see Shout! Factory release box sets of the early SNL seasons, because it would put paid to one of the biggest ongoing TV myths: the first five years of SNL were AT LEAST as uneven as any seasons since, and quite often descended into absolute crap. Seeing these episodes distilled into 30- or 60-minute packages has caused people to forget the 30 to 60 minutes of garbage that have been excised. Well, that and the usual boomer nostalgia. S