It is sad. But I wonder if one of the inevitable consequences of the shifting economies in the music business isn't the demise of the dedicated brick and mortar record store. I don't accept the fact that "no one buys CDs anymore" because of downloading; as a marketer, I tend to read that as "No one buys CDs anymore at that price." In other words, and maybe I'm just a naive and clueless Pollyanna, but I like to think that people will buy music when they perceive value for money. (Before kids were saying, "I can just download it," I heard them saying, "I hate spending $16 for a CD that has only one good song.") I tend to think the future of the music business lies in direct-to-consumer sales. CDs bought at live shows. CDs bought online. Legit music downloads (which don't require manufacture and distribution in the traditional sense, and so can cut out middlemen.) Live recordings (In 2005 I bought one or more live shows each directly from Ani DiFranco, Allman Brothers, Black Crowes, Hall & Oates, Gov't Mule, and King Crimson). For better or worse, I have a feeling the brick and mortar retail record experience is going to be largely a thing of the past very soon. I'm just not sure in this day and age that the value they add is still worth their cut of the end sale. ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 11:35 AM Subject: Media Play Bites the Dust > > Media Play is closing all of it's stores Nationwide. This was announced > yesterday. > > I live in Columbus, Oh. This is a metropolitan area of about 2 million > people. It now leaves us with no major music retailer of any sort. The > Virgin Megastore closed about 2 years ago. I buy a lot of stuff on-line, > but still enjoyed the retail experience to browse through discs, look at > books, or pick up a copy of Mojo or Q. > > This leaves us with the limited stock of a Best Buy or Target or God > forbid, Wal Friggin Mart. > > A sad day for music fans in these parts. > > I guess is going to get more of my money. > > Regards, Tom > > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< > What we leave behind is not as important as how we live. > -Captain Jean Luc Picard, USS Enterprise >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >