Right now, I'm torn between Kenny Chesney's "The Road and the Radio" and Nickleback's "All the Right Reasons". Mariah Carey's "The Emancipation of Mini" is also, like, you know, right up there. If you believe that, I have a dike in New Orleans I'd like to sell you. Actually, if I were forced to choose a single favorite album of 2005 at this moment, I'd have to give it to Sonata Form (aka Jeff Carlson) "Harmony, Courage, Joy and IQ". Something about this record just works for me. Neal Morse's "?" is a close second (features a chill-inducing guitar freakout courtesy of the sublimely tasteful Steve Hackett). Happy McHolidays, kErrY kOMpOsT www.abelincolnstory.com (swing-punk-soul project) www.myspace.com/kompost (solo project/blogs) www.myspace.com/theultrasuede (sunshine powerpop project) www.ryookumoto.com (prog-rock project) www.tribecamusic.net (pop-fusion project) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com