Great band but no relation at all. Jesse Garon was/is Elvis Presley's twin brother who died before being born ..if I remember correctly. This type of thing fascinates people and inspired some to name bands after him. -r -------------- Original message ---------------------- From: "Jay Dravenstadt" > Hoping some of the experts here can help me with this . After re-discovering > Barry Holdship's latest 'Ruff Trax' I noticed that a guy named Jesse Garon was > listed in the credits section. I recall that Barry's first cd was called 'The > Jesse Garon Project'. I did an search on Jesse Garon and found > very limited info about a pop band from Scotland called Jesse Garon and the > Desperadoes that apparently were around in the '80s. If this band was similar to > Barry's music I'd definitely like to learn more. Anyone have any info on Jesse > Garon? Barry, I seem to recall that you post here occasionally - if so, can you > let me know? Thanks...