----- Original Message ----- From: "Kurt Torster" >I was searching out What Do All The People Know from the Monroes for >my MP3 player. I finally found it on one of the Living In Oblivion >compilations. > > There's very little info out there on these guys short of that they > released an EP in the early 80s. Did that or anything else from them > ever make it to CD or availability? Far as I know, the EP was the only Monroes release, and no, it's never made it to CD -- no big loss, because honestly, "What Do All the People Know?" is the only good song on it. Insult to injury: I have that LiO compilation too, and I don't know who that picture is, but it definitely AIN'T the Monroes! Based on the photo on the EP cover, the Monroes were rather elderly, pudgy, balding gents who had latched onto the new wave for a final stab at relevance, and if I remember correctly, the photo on the LiO comp is of some young glammy poodle-hair band of the Hanoi Rocks ilk. S