Brioohs wrote: As far as The Decemberists go, I have no opinion as I haven't heard them. Although I am a bit trepidacious having read comments about poor singing - as you can gather I happen to like performers that can carry a tune - I would be willing to hear a tune or two. And I chime in for the last time (promise!) on this topic: I feel safe in saying that those of us who enjoy this music (and remember, they just signed to Capitol, so I'm assuming that there are a LOT of people who must be enjoying it) *do not* think Colin Meloy's singing voice is in any way "poor". It's only different, and in only some respects, than what you might normally hear anywhere on any pop record. Gosh, he's not operatic or even Don Henley-ish, but I enjoy his singing. He's not smooth as silk and he's not a vocal pipe-stretcher, he's just got a neat voice. Don't be put off, people, by this "poor singing" claim, please. This fellow CAN definitely carry a tune. You won't be hearing "clunkers" or anything. Again, not for everyone, but I don't think for a minute that poor singing is the reason why. He's amazingly literate, I figured *that* would be what would turn some folks away. Pretentious I can understand. Ridiculous even. Way over the top is understandable as well. But I still think it's just the neatest thing: Refreshing, interesting, thought-provoking, imminently singable, memorable, where's that damn thesauras? In summary: it's unlike most everything else. Help me out here, Stewart, if you'd be so kind. I'm not very good at putting this stuff into words. I just ramble. Jeff Teez