This whole thread is making me quite sad. I used to manage a store in Northern NJ back in the 80s (Discomat if anyone actually remembers that far back) and to me, that's when "record stores" still felt cool. Life really was sometimes like living Hi Fidelity. But as the 90s moved on, that whole browsing thrill seemed to disappear as it just became no fun to hit music stores anymore. I remember buying discs simply because the way the cover looked or if I recognized a familiar name in the liner notes. But at some point, not sure when, browsing the bins became as interesting as watching Tomb Raider 2. Now, forget it, the thrill is non-existant. If BestBuy or Target doesn't have it on the cheap, it's strictly online for me. Maybe no wheres near as fun as back in the day, but what other choice is there? -- One man's web surfing odyssey through melodic rock music, everyday stupidity and semi-naked women...