Oh yeah, I remember that tour! When they hit Portland they had Be Bop Deluxe in the middle slot. I remember they had the stage built out onto the Memorial Coliseum floor, surrounded with a huge black curtain. When Ted was ready, they doused the house lights and turned on the stage lights without opening the curtain, so the whole stage was this kind of glowing black cube with light leaking out here and there. Then there was a giant guitar noise of some type, the curtain opened, and there was Ted's Gibson sitting in front of the amps on its stand sustaining away like everything with nobody there. Yeah, that one was pretty loud too, now that I think of it. - Greg Mike Nicholson said the following on 12/8/2005 5:00 PM: > Loud. Loudest, Louder. > > I think the Nuge in 1977 was the loudest. Tedward plays his 3 100 watt Dual > Showman Reverbs all the way up. Rex opened for him. This was Rex Smith's > heavy rock band all dressed in red with red Ampeg amps. Pretty cool. -- Greg Cagle gregc at gregcagle dot com