Loud. Loudest, Louder. I think the Nuge in 1977 was the loudest. Tedward plays his 3 100 watt Dual Showman Reverbs all the way up. Rex opened for him. This was Rex Smith's heavy rock band all dressed in red with red Ampeg amps. Pretty cool. Motorhead at the Hammersmith Odeon in London in 1983 was way loud. I felt faint at one point. The Romantics in 1982 on the National Breakout tour were outrageously loud. Wall of Voxes & Hiwatts in a converted movie theatre. Too much. Everyone I know who saw My Bloody Valentine swear they were the loudest thing ever. This was around '91 or '92. BTW, I luuuuv FoW. Flawless. M http://www.stratocruisermusic.com | http://www.myspace.com/stratocruiser ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.vistapoint.us