>From: >Neal Morse - ? > I read your online review of this, and it was obvious you really enjoyed it. Neal's been discussed on the list previously, and I think many of us were brought to him when Bruce B. named Spock's Beard's "Snow" to his top 5 a few years back. I like "?" alot too, but I really do wish Neal would branch out on his lyrical themes a bit. This is the 3rd straight release where the whole CD revolves around " God creates man, man turns back on God, man struggles, man seeks redemption, God & man are reunited". (In this case that's kind of a generalization since "?" is based on a Biblical story, but the basics are there.) I'm not opposed to that theme, but I think Neal nailed it on "Testimony" and I doubt he'll improve on that particular CD. Musically, it's another fine blend of pop and pomposity (2nd time I've been able to say that in 2 days). Not for the God faint of heart or those without a little appreciation of 70's prog though... greg _________________________________________________________________ Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! http://search.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200636ave/direct/01/