Probably my favorite record from this year is The Sunset Tree by the Mountain Goats. Not power pop by a longshot. Incredibly intense and evocative indie folk (not in a Devendra Banhart, freak flag flying way, yet not quite folk-punk either). John Darnielle (who is, for all intents and purposes, the Mountain Goats) goes the confessional singer-songwriter route on this album, with wrenching tales of his abusive stepfather. Apparently, the guy died within the past few years, and Darnielle finally felt comfortable letting it all out, with a set of lyrics that perfectly capture his state of teenage helplessness, rebellion, and need for escape. The highest of the many high points are This Year, Dance Music, and You or Your Memory. --Shawn, long absent __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around