I believe Cherry Red has been reissuing the Felt catalog ...even the Creation releases. If I remember correctly Goldmine Trash is slated for reissue next. The 1st Go-cart Mozart was released on the Boys Own Label as were the 3 Denim discs but a 2nd Go-cart Mozart came out on Cherry Red which means it should be fairly easy to purchase a copy. Try www.darla.com. -------------- Original message ---------------------- From: Judith Beeman > Hey remember recently there was a discussion about Lawrence of Felt and > Denim? I just found via Amazon, that he has (had?) a band called Go-Kart > Mozart who released "instant wigwam and igloo mixture" in 1999. > > One of the reviewers is Duglas Stewart (teenage fanclub) and you can > look at his other reviews which I'm finding interesting in the 'across > the pond perspective'. > > Also, Amazon just told me now that in 2002 Lawrence hand picked 15 songs > for "Stains on a Decade" a best of Felt. > > regards, Judith >