I heard The Day The Earth Caught Fire on 8-Track in a friends car who'd found the tape in a house he'd just moved into. I was awe struck immediately with the lyrics, harmonies and Mike Slamer's playing. (who was also in Streets with Kansas' lead vocalist Steve Walsh) I've got the YMGW/Book Early and the Dinner at the Ritz/self-titled there's a DTECF and Heads are Rolling one as well. I've heard through purists that they aren't taken master tapes, but they sound great to me. They're on the Renaissance label. I bought them when they came out through the label, but I'm sure you can get them cheaper on Amazon or some-such. later, joe -----Original Message----- From: Craig Leve Sent: Dec 13, 2005 12:54 PM To: audities@smoe.org Subject: Re: City Boy Dave, I don't have 'em here (as I'm at work), but yes, yes, those were released on CD a few years back as 2-fers. I have the one with YMGW, for sure. But I figured the vinyl was fine for the rest of their catalog. And if you're a fan of City Boy, you might want to check out Lol Mason's post-City Boy band, the Maisonettes. I believe this album was reissued on Cherry Red UK last year, so you can track it down easily. It's not the 70s FM rock of City Boy, more early 80's synth-pop with a nice dollop of winsome 60's soufulness. Definitely and very much recommended. -craig n.p. Waltham - s/t -----Original Message----- From: audities-owner@smoe.org [mailto:audities-owner@smoe.org] On Behalf Of Dave Seaman Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 9:39 AM To: audities@smoe.org Subject: City Boy Is anyone into the 80s band City Boy? They had some great albums. In some ways, they sorta sounded like a cross between early Steely Dan and Queen, if you can imagine that... "Young Men Gone West" was my fave of the bunch ( I had their first 5 on vinyl). I think some of their stuff was released on CD, not sure though... I'll have to look into it, I'm getting a mental charge just thinking of some of the tracks to YMGW (Dear Jean, The Honeymooners, I've Been Spun... Yowza!)