>This is particularly interesting to me because my experience has mostly >been that people are either *very* into FoW (our other dinner guest, Lisa, >is exhibit A in this regard) or they can't stand them at all. I just liked >knowing that there's someone else out there who quite likes but doesn't >worship them. Actually, I feel exactly the way you do. I enjoy their music and find it clever, but I don't enjoy it on a level beyond I enjoy a funny but not-exactly-plot-inspired sitcom, like "How I Met Your Mother" or something. I mean, I enjoy the show when I have a free half hour, but I don't build my Monday night schedule around it like I do (did) "Arrested Development." I went to college with these guys. I was in the rival campus cover band (though I fully admit thay were a zillion times better than us.) I'm sure Adam is trying to hide this part of the past, but since he's ignored my e-mails ever since he hit the bigtime I have no problem spreading the word. His band was called "The Rhythm Method" ("the only band endorsed by the pope") and they covered a lot of early 80s new wave hits. They made a recording of some songs for a winter term project one year, so they obviously always had that ambition.