Hey fellow Auditeers! Time for me to break out of near-total lurkdom to solicit other's picks for overlooked releases of 2005. With the year-end best-of lists coming out soon, this would be a good time to give a shout out to some "sleepers" that have received little or no mention on the list during the year, or haven't been featured prominently on sites like NotLame, etc. Here are some of my picks. If any of these sound interesting to you, check out the samples: Randy & The Bloody Lovelies - Lift http://cdbaby.com/cd/bloodylovelies2 Great collection of 70's inspired piano-pop. Reminds me of Chris Rea singing slightly less acerbic Randy Newman-style songs. "Pop" (now there's a great song title) and "Isabella" are two of my favorite tracks of 2005. Joe Lies - Joe Lies http://cdbaby.com/cd/joeliesmusic At the other end of the pop spectrum, Joe Lies put (puts?) the power into power pop. Usual suspects apply when it comes to comparisons: Cheap Trick, Weezer, etc. This one snuck up on me. Derby - This Is The New You http://cdbaby.com/cd/derbyrock This release got some brief mentions on this list, and was heralded on the NotLame home page, so technically it doesn't meet the criteria I set forth above. But I'm making an exception for two reasons; 1) it came out all the way back in February, so it might have fallen off some people's radars, and 2) it's absolutely my #1 favorite album of the year. It's not often a band can make a distinctively Beatlesque record yet still maintain their own identifiable sound, but Derby has done that. David Doll - Self-Titled EP http://cdbaby.com/cd/daviddoll 4 songs of vintage, inspired power pop, especially "Comeback Special" and "Sleep". Give us a full-length, David! Wiretree - Wiretree EP http://cdbaby.com/cd/wiretree Another great EP, but with a more reflective sound. "Find a Way" is a stunning track, reminiscent in some spots of the Smithereens' "Blood and Roses", yet has a piano bit right out of "In My Life" pop up in the middle. Plus, it's worth checking out the cdbaby page for the User Comment of The Year: the artist's mom praises the record, tells him to call, and leaves her number. The Seldon Plan - Making Circles http://cdbaby.com/cd/seldonplan A great record that sounds a bit "indie rock" at first, but really grows on you. Some Nada Surf/Teenage Fanclub influences at work here as well. And it's only $8 at cdbaby. The Village Green - The Village Green EP http://cdbaby.com/cd/tvg 2005 is shaping up to be the year of the EP in my book, as you might have figured out here by now (there were several other great EPs that came out this year that weren't overlooked - David Mead, The Brokedown, etc. as well). Aside from the obvious Kinks reference, these guys breathe new life into the Oasis brit-pop sound with some standard American power pop influence as well. I'd be interested in hearing about some other 2005 discoveries that may have flown under the radar, so let's have them. Nothing keeps me going more as a music fan than the thought that there's a great record out there that I haven't heard yet. Steve Ferra