------------------------------ >Date: Thu, 01 Dec 2005 21:00:50 -0500 >From: "Stewart Mason" >To: >Subject: Re: It's About Time We Talked about Loss Leaders >Message-ID: <002b01c5f6e4$38928530$1d02a8c0@Sparky> >I never owned any of them at the time, but I did occasionally look longingly at the inner sleeves of my older sister's WB albums and wish I could >have gotten some of them, but this was the late '70s or so and I was sure they were all sold out. Long about 1998 or so, I found a copy of >APPETIZERS at Bow Wow in Albuquerque and bought it on a whim, only to be delighted to find that it was actually a really good comp with a lot of >>great stuff on it. Since then, largely with the help of eBay, I have amassed a near-complete collection, plus a few single-disc rarities from the same >>period like THE KYA 1260 GREAT RIP-OFF ALBUM and NON-DAIRY CREAMER. I *finally* laid hands on my personal grail, the three-disc LOONEY >TUNES AND MERRIE MELODIES, last year. Deeply satisfying, that was. >S I have been looking for copies of these babies for years. I've was hoping someone would digitize them and put them on CD to preserve them. The albums were great time capsules of the times. A lot of rare and barely known stuff on them. Has anyone seen any bootleg CD copies of these comps anywhere? Dave