Like many back in the day, I came to New Order via Joy Division. I liked New Order pretty well at the time but never as much as Joy Division. I also saw New Order live fairly early on in their popularity and I was highly disappointed. Thus, I had largely written them off for many years now. I'm almost embarrassed to say the negative impact really bad shows can have on my love for an artist. So, anyway, I've read a few times that a few of the Pernice Brothers songs have a "New Order" influence, (assuming my memory is intact). Anyway, this has now rekindled some interest in them, for me. Also, with time passing I suspect this music might grab me more then Joy Divisions does "these days". Any thoughts on where to start? Is a compellation ("Substance" or the new "Singles") good enough? Or would I be better off leaving well enough alone? Thanks, Steve NP: William Pears