I've always loved the Malcolm Burn-produced Living With the Law. ----- Original Message ----- From: Michael McCartney Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 4:36 pm Subject: Chris Whitley - R.I.P. > First we lost Link Wray and now the passing of Chris Whitley. Too > young. Here's the story that appeared in FMQB: > > Singer/songwriter Chris Whitley, whose last album, Soft > Dangerous Shores, was released in July, passed away from lung > cancer on November 20. He was 45. On Whitley's official Web site, > his daughter Trixie wrote, "I would like to make it clear that the > people he needed and loved the most were with him when he left in > peace. I would also like to ask you to understand there is a very > fine line between Chris Whitley the legendary musician and Chris > Whitley the father, brother and lover." His brother Dan wrote, "I > hope you all will mourn my brother's death, but more importantly, > celebrate his life as Chris was all about life and living. I > started the celebration by cranking up [1998's] Dirt Floor in his > honor." Billboard says a new release from Whitley, Reiter In, is > due in mid-December on vinyl and will appear on CD sometime next year. > > > Aloha, > Michael McCartney > KEAO / KONI / KPMW / KTOH > > http://www.THETIMEMACHINE.fm > http://www.burnlounge.com/thetimemachine > http://www.myspace.com/thetimemachineradioshow > > now playing: "Letter To God" - Sheryl Crow > >