I hope this does not make me an Audities outcast, but I am not a huge TR fan. However, the stuff of his that I have I really like: Something/Anything, two Utopia LPs, and one Nazz LP. With all of this Todd talk, I dug out Utopia's "Deface The Music" (you know, the Beatley one) last night and listened to it all the way through for the first time in ages. My question - has this ever been issued on CD? Thanks, Michael -------------- Original message -------------- > On 11/16/05, Dave Seaman wrote: > > > > And I hope the tour does well. I'll catch a show, if I get the chance. > > > > (Actually, it might be more interesting than seeing the original Cars - I > > like much of their music, but I think of them as a singles band - I like > > them best a song or two, or even an album side, at a time. Too many Cars > > songs in a row leaves me a bit cold. And I thought the band was actually > > kinda boring on stage.) > > > Interestingly, I watched a TR "Liars" concert video on cable "on > demand" last night > (twas free). The set was cool in a Utopia sort of way, but the music > left me cold. > Even the 2 songs from Nearly Human weren't nearly human enough. The > Liars material, > like much of TRi output since No World Order, isn't much fun though on > occasion is > electrically exciting. Put me in the camp that feels - mostly - music > & politics don't > mix. There's an uneasy feeling of TR (in lyrics since Initiation) > talking down to his > audience from above (his flock?); sometimes - like Freedom Fighters - he > does that well, but other times - eh? > > After reading in Todd's message hints of the discord that broke up > Utopia, I wonder > if the other 3 just wanted to have fun... > > What will he bring to the New Cars? The Philly songsmith, the progmeister, the > angry political man, the sideman? IMO, some of the Wizzard/True Star & Oblivion > technics would mix well with the Cars catalog. > > - michael >