The Faux are indeed great. Check out the recent interview with the man himself, below. -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Mike Sent: 17 November 2005 04:55 To: Subject: Re: Faux bands/New Cars On another note, I went out to New Brunswick, NJ this past weekend to check out the Fab Faux. I'm only an occasional reader of this NG, so not sure how much has been discussed about this band. I think that the worst thing you can say about them is: "too bad there weren't any Beatles on the stage"....or, perhaps, "is it a total charity gig, or are they making money on the Beatles music?" Having said that, they're definitely the best Beatles cover band that I've ever seen. And as they say, "It's about the music." They re-create the music, vocals, extraneous sounds/sound effects to the "T"... Will Lee is the front man, and he's got tons of energy up there. He used the Hofner Bass for the pre '65 stuff, and the white Fender VI (I think) for all the later stuff, and there was a LOT of later stuff. All of the musicians are top-notch, A-list NY professional, multi-instrumentalist studio guys. Will brought along "Late Show's" Tom Malone to play in the Hogshead Horns for the night. I really can't go on any more hear...just go to their web site for more info. Go see them if you're in the NY area...I think they're doing the White ALbum in its entirety in February...Revolution #9 could be interesting... Mike __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005