Dave, run -- don't walk -- and order Michael's other CDs (Hopefulness, Kingsrdworks, Rolling Ball and The Supahip collaberation) from Notlame. They're all great stuff. Dave Vallee wrote: I haven't purchased any CDs from Not Lame for quite a while now when I get an email with some great CDs for sale. I got The Shazam "Tomorrow The World" for $3, the "Lynne Me Your Ears" compilation for $5 and a Not Lame comp "Hook Heaven" 2 CD set for $3 also. Quite the bargains. I decided that wasn't enough though and decided to take a chance on Michael Carpenter's first CD, "Baby". Well, it wasn't that much of a chance as I had heard a few tracks from it and was quite impressed. Now, I just got done listening to the whole thing and all I can say is, "Wow! Where have you been all my life Michael Carpenter?" I'm sure most of you have been listening to this CD for a while as it was issued in 1999 so forgive me for going on. You're The One rocks like no one's business and Thinking About You (both elec and acoustic) is full of them beautiful Beach Boy's harmonies! Mystic People is just hauntingly beautiful too. Not a duff track on the whole CD. Anyway Michael, if you're around, you've got a new fan and am planning to make another purchase of the rest of the catalog and am also planning to spread your name far and wide. Or at least in upstate NY! Thanks to Bruce for putting this great CD out and also for all the rest of the great CDs you've released throughout the years. You run, what I believe, is the greatest label ever and I hope you never give it up. Talk about service too, ordered late on a Thursday night and received them Monday! Sorry for the rant but I had to say it! Michael Carpenter ROCKS!!!! Dave --------------------------------- Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.