I've been lurking lately, but I thought I'd pop my head out for a bit and pipe in on a few things: ******** Mike Viola is in the middle of a 2 month residency at The Living Room in NYC. The shows are Monday nights at 9pm, so check mikeviola.com for the exact dates (there are a few mondays that he isn't playing, so check the dates first!) ******** IPO NYC is happening and though I haven't gone to any shows, I'm thinking of stopping by The Baggot Inn tomorrow night to catch a few sets before going to Mike Viola's show. Full schedule here: http://www.internationalpopoverthrow.com/eastc05.html ******** A few new musical discoveries: Andrea Echeverri - I liken her to a Spanish Ivy. Ethereal, dreamy pop, but with latin rhythms. Really really good. The new Eric Matthews album - rekindled my love of his music. The 88 have their second album out. It is amazing! Still got the same modern day beatles sound, but with more of a Spacehog type feel Lorenzo Goetz - some people call them a moden beatles sound, and I don't get that. They influences range from reggae to indie pop to hip hop to latin, but it comes together in this really cool way. ********* And finally, some other cool and in some cases new music can also be heard on my podcast. Episode #3 is available at stacyinthecity.com and it features: Mark Bacino Jonathan Coulton The Trouble Dolls the matthew show Sporkfly The Negatones Hollins Steele The Animators Candy Butchers So, check it out and tell your friends. Stacy -- http://www.stacyinthecity.com - Podcast, Pop Culture, and Observations of Life in the City Indie bands and labels: I'd like to feature your songs! stacypod@gmail.com for information on my new podcast!