I cracked up too! My stomach was hurting from the laughter for about ten minutes after the show had finished. David E. Kelly has a lot of critics who dislike his writing style but for me David E. Kelly has always been a fine talent and really knows how to incorporate music into his various television series. He may the best at it. Anyone remember him making a musical on "Ally McBeal" with nothing but an hour of Randy Newman songs? Brilliant. He may also be one of the few writers who seems to get past the censors especially with really sensitive political subject matter. He appears to me that he writes every episode as if it may be his last. My hero... Aloha, Michael McCartney KEAO / KONI / KPMW / KTOH http://www.THETIMEMACHINE.fm http://www.myspace.com/thetimemachine http://www.myspace.com/thetimemachineradioshow now playing: "Race Cars and Goth Rock" - Butch Walker