Hey Gang, Just a quick heads up. While my dream to own a record store may never come to fruition, this may be as close as I'm going to get. I'm teaming up with the good folks at Record Surplus to bring you a weekend Sale of Vinyl and CDs that is sure to have something for everyone. It's the weekend of November 12 and 13, 10-4 PM. We are clearing out my warehouse in Addison, and offering up over 50,000 LPs and 10,000 CDs, most of which are $1 TO $3. Details for the sale can be found on the V.O.V.O. schedule page at _www.ibuyvinyl.com_ (http://www.ibuyvinyl.com) . We are a little shorthanded in the help department. Anyone foolhardy enough, or generous enough, to help can count on receiving no monetary reward but I can offer you first shot at the vinyl, food, drink and your very own ibuyvinyl.com t shirt! You can volunteer for setup on Friday night, or to help with the sale on Saturday or Sunday. The last time Record Surplus held one of their sales, they had 150 people lined up before opening. I can only hope that this sale generates that type of response. Contact me on line or at 847-490-5696. Thanks, Christopher