At Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 20:26:41 Joe wrote: >Well...P2P strikes again! >I check out stuff I've never heard before. It's an obsession. >It's recently been lp's of unknown artists and bands, but I hear about a >band >and look 'em up and find their site and sometimes I get links to other >bands. >Well, whilst looking into Super Groupies, (great, but too expensive), I >found Danko Jones. >Apparently he/they're from Canada and Good God Almighty do they ROCK!!! >AC/DC meets Thin Lizzy. Undeniably catchy and powerful!Just listen to >Forget My Name or >Heartbreaks a Blessing, or Strut form the album We Sweat Blood. I'll be >looking for other's but I >picked up WSB used tonight and it's goin' straight into the iPod. Finally someone has discovered our long lost brother. Yes, Danko is a person and he friggin' rocks. When people were wetting themselves over The Killers and Jet and White Stripes we had already heard the 'next big thing' as Danko had beaten them all to radio about two years earlier with the infectiously misogynistic (sp?) debut indie single called "Bounce". If Lenny Kravitz had bought a fuzz-box for that debut album it might have sounded like this....or KISS....or T-REX. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records "Not Suing Our Customers Since 1985!!" Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia