Man, that was the best friggin' evening of music I have had in YEARS, though my feet were numb by the time it was over. The place felt packed, and I stood next to Kevin McDonald (KITH) and DESPERATELY wanted to ask him when the show was over if The Raspberries trumped The Guess Who (which for that night was a question that I am not sure I could honestly answer, despite my adoration for Burton, Randy and the boys.) My observations, very un-Lefsetz like: 1. Eric Carmen went to a plastic surgeon who was determined to make him look a little like Eddie Money and a little like Paul Anka. 2. Wally Bryson shares many facial features with Bette Midler, but when he took off his hat and bent at the waist into the fan, he was completely approximating the Edgar Winter Group's "They Only Come Out At Night" album cover. 3. They said the woman was Jennifer Lee (keys, tambourine, cowbell... COWBELL!!!!) but I was almost certain it was Mary Steenburgen. 4. Jim Bonfanti did not miss ONE step/beat/note on the drums all night. He was so sensational that I thought there was a chance he was animatronic. 5. These guys must have worshipped Todd's "Something/Anything" very close to the recording of the first Raspberries album, as "I Can Remember" totally rips off the intro to "It Wouldn't Have Made Any Difference" and of course The Raspberries have the second best song with the title "I Saw The Light" from 1972. (and on "The Velvet Rope" I have been corrected and told that it was Todd that ripped off The Raspberries... I'm semi-skeptical, but I'm not in a position to fight it.) 6. There was one total stinker in the set, and the good news is that Eric changed a few (not many) lyrics and a note or two and ended up having a solo hit with "Change Of Heart" years later. 7. What idiot REALLY wanted to hear "Hungry Eyes?" BLECH! 8. I was way impressed with the length of the set, but even more impressed with the fact that I actually went home wondering how they could have NOT done "Drivin' Around," "Cruisin' Music" and the epic puker, "On The Beach." 9. I got a vibe that Wally and Eric... well, still aren't having a lovefest. 10. I wish EVERY night could be Raspberries reunion night, but like I saw them at Carnegie Hall in September of 1973, I wish Stories could have played too ? 11. I'd kill to have Eugene Edwards open for them on a national tour...