Casey - Congratulations! I'm sure I'm not alone in saying this, but THANK YOU for your hard work with Fufkin. Every month I look forward to the e-mail announcing that the new issue is ready. I really enjoy the site and wanted to thank you and all of your writers for the great work! Thanks, Michael -------------- Original message -------------- > I just published Fufkin's 48th monthly issue, and I want to thank everyone > on this list for the support we have received from all of you. We average > over 50,000 unique visitors a month from all over the world, and a core from > the > Audities list is what we built the site on. It has been very gratifying for > me to give a forum for a lot of great writers to write about music and > artists that otherwise might not receive the type of notice that they deserve, > even in the alternative media and new media outlets that are out there. It is > hard to believe it has been 4 years since I approached Mike Bennett at IPO in > August of 2000 to ask him if he was interested. > > My special thanks to my good friends Mike Bennett, Gary Glauber, Gary Pig > Gold, Alan Haber, Kurt Hernon, Dawn Eden, John Borack, Bill Klutho, Michael > Lynch, Kevin Mathews, Robert Pally, Kurt Sampsel, Eric Sorensen, Eliot Wilder, > Shona Winfrey and Nick A. Zaino, III who are the writers who made Fufkin what > it is and why we were recognized by SXSW as having some of the finest music > criticism on the internet. I want to thank past writers who have contributed > excellent work over the past four years, Jon Bard, James Baumann, Rick > Bilous, Anna Borg, Ken Burke, Lane Campbell, Katherine Kim, Kerry Chicoine, Ben > Collins, Jason Thompson, Michael Potter, Mark Sanders, Julia Scott, Richard > Scroggs, Andrew Tarsy, Jason Thompson and Mike Stax. I want to thank my great > friend Bruce Brodeen, Michael Roux and everyone at Parasol, Rainbow Quartz, > Call Girl PR, Mint Records and all of the other labels, publicists and artists > who send boxes and boxes of promos for us to listen to. As we go into our > 4th year, we're looking for some new blood and we have some new features that > I hope we can implement by early next year, like a blog and some other ideas > that I have. I hope we can continue to publish forever. I think that will > depend on if we can find some additional writers with some time, good taste > and some writing skills. Please contact me at _fundaro@aol.com_ > ( if you know anyone with enthusiasm, good taste in any > genre of > music and some writing talent. Thanks again. > > Casey Fundaro