Just wanted to alert / remind everyone of two special events, one on each coast, that might be of interest....and potentially a chance for us to get together and celebrate great music.... West Coast -...it's already been discussed, but I'll bring it up again....The Raspberries reunion at the House of Blues Hollywood on Oct. 21. I've heard that their Midwest & NYC reunion gigs tore the roof off. A few of us East Coast Auditeers, including Jim Horan, who did the graphics for the Raspberries book 'Overnight Sensation' will be coming out ....plus I expect a lot of So. Cal. A-listers including John Borack, Cathy Gale, Ken Sharp (who wrote the aforementioned Raspberries bio) and I expect lots of others. Since LA IPO runs for several weeks it is difficult to get everyone together at one venue anymore. This could serve as that opportunity...so even if you don't particularly like The Raspberries or intend to go to that show and you're within travel range of LA on 10/21 or 10/22 maybe there can be an Audities gathering. How about a roll call? Or send us a message at the Orchid Suites (staying there to get that true IPO vibe!). East Coast- IPO, this year the line-ups for Philly, Boston and NYC are particularly strong. Everyone should try to get to as many of these shows as possible, but this year , there will be an extra incentive to come out to IPO Boston (yeah!). Bruce Brodeen tells us that he will be in town and stopping by IPO Boston for a few nights (Friday 11/11 and Saturday 11/12) and I think it would be awesome if a bunch of A-list members come out to say hello (when else are you going to get the chance to have both David Bash and Bruce Brodeen in the same room? - we'll have to see if 4 walls can contain all that musical wisdom :). It's not too often anymore that Bruce gets out this way (or to an IPO for that matter) so please take advantage and stop by...and thank Bruce and David (and Andrea Kremer, too) for all they do. On a personal note, I've made a lot of great friends on this list and am grateful for the excellent music advice, so I hope to get to meet and thank a lot of you in person at one of these shows (I'll probably be in close range of the merch table!). JD