what's in my bag that auditeers might enjoy: Goldrush, "Ozona" -- Psychpop gem from Oxford quintet playing in L.A. on Saturday night (Spaceland) The 88, "Over and Over" -- Pretty irresistible. Stars of Track and Field EP -- Not Belle & Sebastian-like, more like Snow Patrol/Radiohead. Death Cab for Cutie, "Plans" The Long Winters, "Ultimatum" EP Matt Pond PA, "Several Arrows Later" -- Chamberpopper kinda sprouts wings. Ryan Ferguson, "Three, Four" EP -- Ignore the fact he played in No Knife; this is unabashedly powerpop. The Prme Ministers, "Go For Glory" -- Outta the Motor City. utter disppointments, fwiw: Big Star OK Go Magic Numbers Broken Social Scene [k]