<<<(when else are you going to get the chance to have both David Bash and Bruce Brodeen in the same room? - we'll have to see if 4 walls can contain all that musical wisdom. :).>> ...nearly, but not quite, John,... we'd only truly qualify for that designation if YOU joined in...any chance we could persuade you to come out to Boston for IPO? Now THAT would be something!!! ....as for what I've been listening to most recently...all highly recommended: Devin Davis 'Lonely People of the World Unite" The Contrast 'Forget to Tell The Time" The Vague 'You're Tearin' My Heart Out' Demos (Thanks Chuck Oney! ... great power pop is alive and well in Columbus OH!). Jack's Mannequin s/t Captain Mike and the Totems 'Train of Thought' and lots more I'm forgetting...