Animal Now is sorta/kinda/markedly different from Owen era Ruts but it's a pretty solid album albeit quite morose ...lyrically. I mean the guy OD'd on the band right when they were on the verge of greatness the album reflects a band in flux and transition and reflection and mourning. Those guys -the core musicians of the band- were no slacker punks, they were all well educated and fairly well seasoned session players long before they formed the band w/frontman Malcolm. Animal Now has the punk undercurrents of The Crack and the ska-dub overtones of pre and post Animal Now era but it's ...well, I dunno, it's pretty well layered to my ears. Suggs the bassist and Paul Fox their most excellent guitarist both sing and do a pretty good job at it ...neither are of Mssr Owen's calibre but they're okay. Animal Now wasn't as overtly ska-ish as they became on subsequent releases under the same handle either ... a bit 80s dated sounding along the lines of P-Furs/Echo/Chameleons/Lucy Show (Dave Ruffy Ruts' drummer later drummed for live Lucy Show)/et-al but still extremely listenable, to these ears anyway ...another album what should most definitely be digitally redone. UK Subs ...haven't listened to em in a dog's age but I'd start at the beginning ...start w/the first album I guess ...Another Kind Of Blues ... another band w/a lot more goin' ahn than just yr dime a dozen/jack booted/mohawk wearin' punk thing ...I really dug em a lot back around 80ish but I haven't listened to em all that much over the past twenty or so years, saw em when they opened for The Police at The Palladium in NYC in Nov/79 ...I think Capt' Oi reissued most all their stuff w/most all relevent singles/b-sides attached to each as xtra trax ...and they released some CORKERS o'singles. So they're easily available. Mark Message-ID: <> On 10/17/05, MarkP wrote: > --Ruts DC - Animal Now How does this compare/differ to the Malcolm Owen Ruts? ---- And, where would I start listening to the UK Subs. All I have the the kickarse C.I.D. Ep __________________________________ Yahoo! Music Unlimited Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.