I do have what little of his output has been reissued on CD, including Truth Decay, the self titled album (originally on the resucitated Dot label) and The Criminal Under My Own Hat. And yes, those releases are just as good. It is a bit of a shame that his success as a producer has come at the expense of his own recorded output. Or maybe he just likes being a producer more than a recording artist. Being a respected in-demand producer probably pays a *bit* more! Mark -------------- Original message -------------- > Mark Eichelberger writes: > > > Has "Proof Through The Night" or "Trap Door", the excellent EP that preceeded > it, ever been reissued on CD? I still play my vinyl copies of these 2 > releases. They are so good. > > You beat me to the punch ... I agree that these are excellent. The Criminal > Under My Own Hat was recently remastered -- his last album, from 1992 (!) -- > so hopefully these will not be too far behind. Truth Decay is also very > good. Most are available on CD, per Amazon. > > I also think T-Bone is an excellent producer capable of capturing artists > "as they are," meaning with little producer "personality" dolloped on. > >