I grew up listening to my father's record collection. He had (and still has) a lot of country music, but also better sounding music like Roy Orbison, Buddy Holly, and Nillson (!). The very first song I remember liking - and which I count as my very first favorite song - is Cecilia by Simon & Garfunkel. I was about 5 or 6 by then and remember liking other songs from the Bridge Over Troubled Water album as well. Like the title number for instance. I have always loved that album, but years later (over twenty years later) I started liking one of the songs that I don't remember liking when I was young: The Only Living Boy In New York. Now, my favorite S&G song, but also one of the best songs I know. Patrick Beckers > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "David Bash" > > > This would make a great thread: "what was your first favorite song?" I'll > > start... > > > > The first song where I can remember saying to myself "this is my favorite" > > was "No Time" by The Guess Who, in February of 1970. I'll never forget > that > > "meta-feeling" of knowing that this song was somewhat transcendent of > > everything else on the radio, and that it was "my special song". Of > course, > > like most pre-teen crushes, this one wasn't destined to last. About a > month > > later I heard a "new" song called "Bridge Over Troubled Water", which I > > thought was so amazing that I proclaimed it as "my new favorite!" I > > remember one time listening to it on my clock radio and my younger brother > > bursting into my bedroom with his radio on, blaring "No Time", saying > > "David, your favorite song is on!", and me yelling "turn that off!!!". > > > > Ok, your turn. > > -- > > Memories Rule!!!!! > > Take Care, > > David > > > > > >