NADA SURF - The Weight is a Gift ...perhaps my fave so far for 2005. Amazing melodies, perfect songcraft. ...pop that goes beyond the pop idiom THE HIGH DIALS - War of the Waking Phanotms ...awesome new release on Rainbow Quartz. Beautiful, breeezy 60's-inspired. ....'Sick With The Old Fire' could be *the* single of the year - very reminiscent of the Model Rockets. THE LIKE ....quirky, dark, and the Throwing Muses circa 1989 TRUE LOVE - Wings song structures that still remain hooky as hell. Superdrag meets Squeeze with a little Weezer in the mix. OK GO - Oh No ....more grit and grime than their polished debut - but the sharp pop songwriting sensibility remains. Coming to a car commercial near you... NINE BLACK ALPS - EP I don't believe the full-length is out in the states yet. Brazen post-punk inspired modern rock. Looking forward to more. THE LOVEMAKERS - Times of Romance If these guys get big enough, they'll inspire a reunion tour with the Human League and Berlin as openers. Their sex-charged live show has been likened to "...driving a pink Ferrari through mountains of coke." Good times...