Steven wrote: Anyway, in one day he came home from the store with FOUR Elvis albums. OK, they were all soundtracks to his not so great movies (Kissin' Cousins, Fun in Acapulco, It Happened at the World's Fair and Pot Luck). Okay, just to be pedantic, Pot Luck isn't a soundtrack. It's pretty much what the title says, and yet, it's a great Elvis album, thanks in great part to some choice Mort Shuman/Doc Pomus (I list Shuman first 'cos I think he was far more important to the equation than the far more celebrated Pomus, plus he did the best Jacques Brel translations, like Jackie and Next) songs like "Suspicion", "Kiss me quick", "Night Rider" and "Gonna get back home somehow". It's funny, my first favourite song was probably also a Guess Who song, back in 1970. Either "Hand me Down World", "No Sugar Tonight/ New Mother Nature" or "No Time". These, and Edison Lighthouse's immortal "Love Grows (where my Rosemary goes)". Richard "there's a would-be intellect/with nothing new to tell us/somehow got nerve enough/to use the name Elvis" Burton Cummings, "Bridge in time"