Rob Wrote 1) Anyone know what the real story is behind the current wreck of the Arthur Lee? Did anyone see the messy concerts this summer? i first want to say that The fresh out of jail spaceland performance when they were not so secretly billed as the Andmoreagains was a dare i say Revelation? and secondly The Zombies/ Love show at the Wilshire a few years later had to be one of the best double bills song and performance wise I've ever seen (I'm told the previous nights show at the Filmore was even better though i find that to be VERY hard to beleive) Was it to much to ask for this version of Love to keep going? Probably but like some great relationships divorce is always a possibility And like any relationship people tend to take sides and pass big judgment I'll leave that to the great blooger nation Arthur has moved to Memphis to perhaps reconvene with founding Love guitarist Johnny Echols and Baby Lemonade will at long last will have their own record coming out very soon. Stay Tuned Mb Np Dramarama "Everybody Dies"