Before I forget, after salivating over the thought of something chocolate from Hostess, on the public radio station tomorrow afternoon at 3PM ( 9PM East Coast / 6PM West Coast) our guest artist will be Sarah Hudson. Although not an artist that gets discussed on this list often, I thought that I pass on the link to listen live on Saturday. For those on this list that know me, any excuse to play music from The Hudson Brothers on the radio airwaves is right up my alley. I'll have some vinyl standing by to play some cool songs from her Dad and Uncles that have not seen the light of day in the digital world. Of course, the "Best Of" from Varese Vintage on CD is already in the studio to fill in any holes when I ask her tomorrow if she has any faves from her Dad's older material. Here's the link: 9PM - East Coast 6PM - West Coast Aloha, Michael McCartney KEAO / KONI / KPMW / KTOH now playing: "Mental" - Courtney Jaye