I was unsubscribed for a few weeks, while on holiday, but I'm quite surprised I haven't read anything about the Spinto Band on Audities. I stumbled across them this week, and the album immediately lodged itself as one of my very favourite releases this year. An excellent mixture of powerpop sensibilities with eclectic arrangements and the occasional disco stomper. Discussing it with a couple of friends, the following bands' names came up when talking about the Spinto Band; Pavement, Flaming Lips, Fountains of Wayne, Beulah, The Bravery and The Secret Machines. They sound like none and all of those bands. The album's called "Nice and Nicely done", and it's one of those albums where my favourite tracks keep changing. At the moment, "Japan is an island" (which namechecks the brilliant Cornelius) and "Late" are the standouts. But tomorrow it'll be something else. Excellent album.