I got my copy a couple of weeks ago and it hasn't left the CD player since. If you liked Parallel Universe (and who didn't???) or any of John or Cliff's solo stuff this is another must have. Adam Waltemire wrote: My copy of In Real Life arrived today, but I wasn't able to listen to it right away. However, during tonight's Pop Garden Radio I found myself with some extra time in the first hour, so I cracked open the CD case, skimmed the lyrics of the first song that caught my eye, and played track 4, "I Knew You When., " on the air. Wow! What an incredible song. The ending of the song, with a solo vocal from John Faye, was pure beauty. I have now listened to the full disc, and I love it. I highly recommend this album. John, Cliff, Joann and Dave, if any of you read this, please contact me. I would love to interview the band on the show sometime. - Adam Waltemire - www.adamwaltemire.com --------------------------------- Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.